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The content of JGH & ABOGADOS’s website (“The Website”) is purely for informative purposes and does not constitute legal or any other form of advice. The relationship established between the user and JGH & ABOGADOS through the consultation of The Website under no circumstances constitutes a professional or contractual relationship. JGH & ABOGADOS cannot guarantee the preciseness or completeness of The Website content as a result of continuous legislative and case law updates.


The Website content is subject to intellectual property rights of JGH & ABOGADOS, and its reproduction is authorised exclusively for private use. Unless given express authorisation, the reproduction in whole or in part of The Website in any form is prohibited. If you wish to reproduce in whole or part of the information included on the Website you may send an email requesting authorisation to the following address:


JGH & ABOGADOS is the holder of the computer programme user rights required for the edition of this website and for its navigation, JGH & ABOGADOS either owning these rights or owning the corresponding licenses. As a consequence, the use in any form of the said programmes is prohibited without express

Liability Limitations

JGH & ABOGADOS shall be exempt from any liability arising from the navigation of The Website and expressly warns that, as with any other IT facility, the files contained within The Website may be subject to elements in their daily functioning that may possibly cause damage or alterations to the IT systems of third parties. Furthermore, JGH & ABOGADOS, its partners, associate lawyers and employees are exempt from any liability arising from the damage that the use of The Website could potentially cause and of those websites which can be accessed via The Website, direct access to the content of these websites being restricted via hyperlinks.

Sending Confidential Information


JGH & ABOGADOS expressly warns that it cannot guarantee the confidentiality of personal details or any other information of a restricted or confidential nature sent via email and therefore the internet.

Date Protection Policy


The sending of a C.V. via e-mail or postal mail assumes an express authorisation from its owner for the personal data within the document to be discussed and used in the context of the recruitment processes that JGH & ABOGADOS may organise.


Any personal data facilitated to us in order to obtain information shall be stored on file for marketing purposes of JGH & ABOGADOS.


All personal data shall be stored on our files in accordance with the Spanish law in force. As a consequence, you may exercise the right to access your data, request the modification or removal of your details from our files. To do this, you should contact us in writing, stating your name, surname(s) and full address and attach a copy of your identity card or passport. You should state on the envelope the reason for which you are writing to us and send it to the following address:


JGH & ABOGADOS. Paseo de la Castellana, 134, 4º izq. Madrid – 28046. Spain. Company Name: JGH & ABOGADOS, S.L. CIF (Tax Identity Code): B-83854109. Entered in the Trade Register of Madrid: Volume 19692, Sheet 168, Page M-346451.